© 2009 Brookwood Biomedical


675 County Road 156
Jemison AL, 35085
Phone: 205.907.5827 or 205.910.0416
FAX:      205.688.9110

















  BROOKWOOD BIOMEDICAL is a full service antibody developemnt company in Birmingham, Alabama.  We develop both monoclonal and polyclonal custom antibodies.

Our facilities include an independent laboratory located on the grounds of Brookwood Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama, as well as 30 acres of Alabama farmland home to dozens of goats, hundreds of rabbits, and thousands of mice.

The company was founded by Roger Lallone Ph.D. and fellow research scientist G.M. Anantharamiah, Ph.D.  Dr. Lallone and Dr. Anantharamiah began their collaboration in 1986 when they were awarded an SBIR grant from the NIH.  Their experiments were designed to study analogs of amphipathic proteins that increase reverse cholesterol transport through HDL and involved synthetic peptides which were specifically designed to increase reverse cholesterol transport.  (Circulation. 2002 JAN 22; 105 (3):290-2.)

We have continued our collaboration for the past 23 years.  Over these years we have offered peptide design and antibody production services through a variety of outlets which have included both internal core facilities and external commercial distributors.  Offering our services in these ways has made it difficult to offer them at competitive prices.  However, we are now offering peptide and antibody services directly to our customers.  By doing this we hope to circumvent the price markups demanded by our distributors.  Please contact sales@brookwoodbiomedical.com for more information.

Update 2020: We have moved to a new location in Jemison AL. Returning customers please note the new address and phone numbers.



675 County Road 156
Jemison AL, 35085
Phone: 205.907.5827
Cell:       205.910.0416