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Goat anti-Ferret MGA
cat # item label price
100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA
unlabeled $105.00
sab4002 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA Biotin $105.00
sab4003 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA HRP $105.00
sab4004 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA PE $105.00
sab4005 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA AP $105.00
sab4006 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA APC $105.00
sab4007 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA  Tritc $105..00
sab4008 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA Fitc $105.00
sab4009 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG, IgM, IgA Texas Red $105.00
sab4010 100ug Goat anti-FerretIgG, IgM, IgA Agarose $105.00
Primary Antibodies
  Collagen Antibodies
   Apolipoprotein Antibodies
   Fluorescent Amplification
   Transcription Factor Antibodies
   Leptin Antibodies

Secondary Antibodies
   Anti-Guinea Pig

Goat anti-Ferret IgA

cat # item label price
100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA
unlabeled $105.00
sab4062 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA Biotin $105.00
sab4063 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA HRP $105.00
sab4064 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA PE $105.00
sab4065 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA AP $105.00
sab4066 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA APC $105.00
sab4067 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA  Tritc $105.00
sab4068 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA Fitc $105.00
sab4069 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA Texas Red $105.00
sab4070 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgA Agarose $105.00

Goat anti-Ferret IgM

cat # item label price
100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM
unlabeled $105.00
sab4042 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM Biotin $105.00
sab4043 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM HRP $105.00
sab4044 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM PE $105.00
sab4045 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM AP $105.00
sab4046 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM APC $105.00
sab4047 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM Tritc $105.00
sab4048 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM Fitc $105.00
sab4049 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM Texas Red $105.00
sab4050 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgM Agarose $105.00

Goat anti-Ferret IgG

cat # item label price
100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG
unlabeled $105.00
sab4022 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG Biotin $105.00
sab4023 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG HRP $105.00
sab4024 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG PE $105.00
sab4025 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG AP $105.00
sab4026 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG APC $105.00
sab4027 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG Tritc $105.00
sab4028 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG Fitc $105.00
sab4029 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG Texas Red $105.00
sab4030 100ug Goat anti-Ferret IgG Agarose $105.00

Goat anti-ferret IgG, IgM, IgA:  Affinity purified secondary antibody obtained from the immunization of purified ferret IgG, IgM, and IgA whole immunoglobins into goat.  Serum is collected and purified by affinity chromatography against the same purified immunoglobins and negatively adsorbed against common serum proteins and tissue lysates removing other unwanted rabbit serum proteins.

Please contact
sales@brookwoodbiomedical.com for more information and quotes on bulk quantities.   

























































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 Anti-Ferret Secondary Antibodies